Do things for people not because of who they are or what they do in return, but because of who you are.”
This industry is a whirlwind because whilst in some respects it's corporate, the absolute best part of it is that it's customer facing and we're getting to meet so many nice people on a daily basis.
We received this feedback this morning from a customer who we've never met in person but had interacted with us online and whilst it's somewhat of a humble brag - our days have been made.
When you're building a brand, there's always a hint of doubt that you have to appear a certain way to be taken seriously but actually this has confirmed it for us.
We're happy with friendly as one of our core values. It's nice to be nice isn't it.
You can read more about us and our core. values here.
❌ Disclaimer: Nobody in the office is friendly between the hours of 7-8am as the kettle boils. Approach with caution.